[School-of-data] introduction and Open data in/from Education

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Fri Oct 12 07:52:16 UTC 2012


On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 09:21:45AM +0200, M. Fioretti wrote:
> My first, but not only, reason to join this list is to share ideas,
> material, proposals, organize courses for teachers, etc... around the
> "Open Data in and from Education" proposal I presented last year at
> the OKFN camp:
> http://mfioretti.com/warsaw-open-data-and-education
> In my opinion, the first way to go about it is to work directly on
> teachers, from simply presenting success stories and opportunities, to
> eventually organizing ***specific*** courses for them. Higher level
> initiatives are good, but probably harder to get funds/sponsors, and
> students will try anything that their teachers will tell them may
> procure good marks.

I do thing that data can be a valuable tool for teaching. Thus I fully
agree with you there. Whether it's the "first" way or the "best" way I
don't know but it's a way. And I wouldn't limit that to Open Data either.


Data Wrangler with the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN.org)
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