[School-of-data] Case studies

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Thu Mar 14 09:15:16 UTC 2013

Hi Russ,

I'm not sure if you've seen our Data Expeditions Model?


The nice thing about this is that people have very specific roles, which in
our experience leads to substantially lower dropout. Clear roles - clear
tasks - clear phases.

I spoke to a lecturer from the University of Manchester yesterday, who is
plotting doing one with his students and he promises to report back to show
how it went.

Very happy to talk if I can be useful in any way...


On 3 March 2013 18:54, Russ Abbott <russ.abbott at gmail.com> wrote:

> A colleague, who is teaching a data science course was called away by a
> family emergency. I was asked to substitute for a couple of weeks. The
> students were assigned to do a term project. I spent the first of my two
> weeks having them discuss their status. It was disappointing. Many hadn't
> started; any of the rest hadn't gotten very far.
> I'm looking for some good case studies that I can present to show them how
> to do a good data science project. Ideally the case study should describe
> the original data, the tools used, and the steps taken in enough detail
> that someone could reproduce the work.
> The course is for computer science students who have virtually no data
> science background. So ideally also, the case study should not presuppose
> any sophisticated statistical competence.  Most of them are using Weka.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Now that I write this it strikes me that this is probably a good way to
> teach a data science course to CS majors.  Work though a number of case
> studies that illustrate the important techniques and explain how the
> techniques and theories work as they are used.
> Thanks for you help.
> *-- Russ Abbott*
> *_____________________________________________*
> ***  Professor, Computer Science*
> *  California State University, Los Angeles*
> *  My paper on how the Fed can fix the economy: ssrn.com/abstract=1977688*
> *  Google voice: 747-*999-5105
>   Google+: plus.google.com/114865618166480775623/
> *  vita:  *sites.google.com/site/russabbott/
>   CS Wiki <http://cs.calstatela.edu/wiki/> and the courses I teach
> *_____________________________________________*
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