[School-of-data] Recap of yesterdays community Call

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Tue Apr 1 10:52:04 UTC 2014


Yesterdays community call happened and We've discussed two main topics:

Course Reorganization/Module creation

We've gathered some experience in the past 1.5 years with our current
courses and would like to reshape the way they work. We've decided to
create individual modules which will be reuseable among different courses
to allow you and others to create their own curricula (e.g. for a workshop
or you have a specific topic you want to teach). 

Milena has created a quite extensive wishlist (spreadsheet linked in the
pad) for  future School of Data curricula (as has Zara for Open Development
Materials). If you find something missing - add it or let us know. Also if
you want to write a part, check out this:

Badge Internationalization:

We've rolled out badges on the School of Data for the english version - we
do have spanish translations and I'll work them into the system. 

Marco agreed to do portuguese translations (Thank you!) and we'll start a
process of integrating them into the respective language verisons. 

Thanks to everyone who showed up and provided input: See you in about 2
weeks time

(I will send out a doodle for the next community call)


Data Diva | skype: mihi_tr | @mihi_tr
The Open Knowledge Foundation | School of Data
http://okfn.org | http://schoolofdata.org 
GPG/PGP key: http://tentacleriot.eu/mihi.asc

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