[science-at] WG: [action] How much research can you access?

Vignoli Michela Michela.Vignoli at ait.ac.at
Thu Jan 29 14:06:59 UTC 2015

Hallo an alle StudentInnen,

Bitte nehmt doch an dieser kurzen Umfrage zum Zugang zu Forschungsliteratur für StudentInnen teil, oder leitet diese an weitere Interessenten weiter. Vielen Dank!

Beste Grüße,

Im Auftrag von Joseph Mcarthur
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015 17:32
An: opencon-discussion-list at googlegroups.com
Betreff: [OpenCon] [action] How much research can you access?

Hi OpenCon Alumni!

So many of us come to Open Access because of problems getting research ourselves! OpenCon alumni Ivan and Chris are doing some systematic research around this for students in the EU but they need your help.

If you can please:
1) Take 10 minutes to complete their survey - http://tinyurl.com/litaccess
2) Spread the survey via social media and any other newsletters or outlets you know!

I've attached a promotion kit incase you need some draft emails and tweets!

Thanks so much everyone!

[Inline images 1]--
Joseph McArthur
Assistant Director, Right to Research Coalition<http://www.righttoresearch.org>
Co-Lead/Founder, Open Access Button
Twitter: @Mcarthur_Joe
Skype: joseph_mcarthur

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