[CKAN-Security] Responsible disclosure: CKAN

David Read david.read at hackneyworkshop.com
Wed Feb 22 10:14:37 UTC 2017

Adria responded, but you appear to be missed off by mistake. See his
email below.

On 16 February 2017 at 16:11, Adrià Mercader <adria.mercader at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi Cedric and others,
> Many thanks for reaching out. Please see comments below regarding the
> issues raised:
> - Solr search server injection
> We have identified this issue via another report to security at ckan.org
> and a patch is already in place. Patch releases that include the fix
> will go out next Wednesday 22nd February around 13:00 UTC
> - User enumeration via application functions
> This has been reported in the past and it was flagged as a low impact
> vulnerability. I'd be happy to restrict access to site administrators
> only though, I'll raise it on the next developer meeting.
> - No responsible disclosure policy
> We have the disclosure policy that security related issues should be
> sent to security at ckan.org and this is announced in the README and
> other places in other places, but it's true that we could advertise it
> more prominently. We will address this.
> Thanks a lot for the feedback, we'll keep you informed of progress on
> all these issues.
> Adrià
> On 15 February 2017 at 15:14, van Bockhaven, Cedric (NL - Amsterdam)
> <CvanBockhaven at deloitte.nl> wrote:
>> Dear CKAN team,
>> During one of our security tests, we identified a number of potential
>> security vulnerabilities in the CKAN portal software.
>> As a standard step of our responsible disclosure process, we contact the
>> developer/owner of the product prior to applying for the relevant CVEs. This
>> way, we want to make sure that there is enough time to fix the security
>> issues, before we publish the technical details of our findings. Could you
>> investigate and confirm the following issues? More details can be shared if
>> required.
>> Moreover, could you confirm your policy for accrediting security
>> professionals for identifying and responsibly disclosing these security
>> issues? We would like to discuss with you the possibilities for
>> accreditation.
>> Overview of identified vulnerabilities:
>>    - Solr search server injection
>>    - User enumeration via application functions
>>    - No responsible disclosure policy
>> Please find attached the observations.
>> We look forward to hearing from you,
>> Kind regards,
>> Cedric
>> Cedric Van Bockhaven
>> Sr. Consultant | Cyber Risk Services
>> Deloitte Risk Advisory B.V.
>> Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970, 1081 LA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>> Tel/Direct +31882887908 | Mobile +31683330429
>> cvanbockhaven at deloitte.nl / www.deloitte.com
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> CKAN security
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