[wsfii-discuss] fantasy budget for an open geodata track / workshop

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Sun Jun 26 20:04:28 UTC 2005


I'm hoping to arrange a two-day workshop during the week before the
main weekend of 1-2, and get some of the openstreetmap.org crowd
together, pay for some non-London and non-UK contributors to come
over, and perhaps persuade a couple of very hardcore open source GIS
toolkit hackers to come and give the thing a shot in the arm.

This would be in the best case. I've been thinking about a budget
which i could use to look for 'matching funds', and have a couple of
open source and openstreetmap- friendly small businesses in mind that
i could try and hit up for halfway-at-least funding.

I wonder what people think of this, it perhaps seems easier to get
direct backing for a focused track, though in the best case we could
get sponsorship to put back towards a bigger 'pool' which would go
towards the expenses of WSFII as a whole... 

These are conservative estimates; it would be nice to be able to offer
people a small honorarium to cover meals; i'm not sure i'd want to be
in the position to offer more. Does anyone think this is a bad idea?

Fantasy WSFII Open Geodata Budget

Estimates per head for a two day workshop + 1 day of conference

Per UK-based attendee, 100UKP per person (20/day expenses + 40 train fare)
Per EU-based attendee, 180UKP per person (20/day expenses + 100 plane fare + 20 train fare)
Per non-EU based attendee, 400UKP per person (60 expenses + 320 plane fare + 20 train fare)


2x non-EU based people		800
4x EU based people		720
8x UK based people		800
Contingency			280
Contribution towards WSFII	+


2x EU based people		360
4x UK based people		400
Contingency			140


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