[wsfii-discuss] My photos from WSFII/London

Mike Ryan mike.ryan at redmar.com
Wed Oct 5 11:25:20 UTC 2005


As has been said on the list before, thanks a lot for putting the event 
and for giving me the opportunity to help spread the word about MythTV.

Anyway, my presentation can be found here:

Best Regards


Quoting Saul Albert <saul at twenteenthcentury.com>:

> hi all,
> On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 12:26:28PM +0200, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
>> http://images.twibright.com/tns/1c13.html
> lovely! as were the flickr photos! I'm looking forward to getting all the
> documentation together that I can and starting to make a really good
> archive of all of it.
> I'm currently chopping the audio from the panels into person-by-person
> files, cleaning them up a bit and re-assembling them as ogg files.
> Sorry for the audio quality, that was my fault as I couldn't get mic
> stands - which tend to help direct the microphone down people's throats.
> Thanks anyway harm for the tips!
> I'm still really overwhelmed by the weekend and how lovely you all were
> to work with - I have a feeling it's the start of something really
> interesting and difficult - but I don't really know what to do yet apart
> form assemble as much material from it as possible.
> so, could you all send urls with your photos, audio, video etc.. to this
> list, and if you know someone who has some dv tapes of minidisks or some
> other non-internet-transmissible medium, please put them in touch with me
> - I'm helping ELAM to assemble an awesome archive of everthing and put it
>  all online speedily.
> Also - we decided the best format would be:
> Photo of speaker (x2)
> Audio recording (mp3/ogg)
> Speaker's slides (whatever format)
> So, speakers, if you havnen't done it yet (thanks clock! hugh!) please
> send us your slides! links sent to this list are a good way to do that.
> I feel like someone needs to send out an email to this and to the
> announce list - somehow thanking / following up some of the stuff htat
> happend on the weekend, but I  really don't know where to start.
> Julian mentioned the idea of sending a bunch of questions to the list -
> and asking one person to answer each question as the start of new threads
> that might inform what happens next year.
> Julian? What's your plan?
> Cheers!
> Saul.
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