[wsfii-discuss] Worldchanging article on Complementary currencies

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 11:23:35 UTC 2005

On 06/10/05, Mike Ryan <mike.ryan at redmar.com> wrote:
> First off, I have to say that I disagree with the need for a complimentary
> currency.

Do you understand what "complementary" means?  It means that the
currency can be used alongside existing currencies, rather than
replace it.

> Why would you want to destroy the idea of people using a single currency?

Enabling people to participate within a local economy despite a lack
of conventional employment
Building social capital within a community
Addressing some forms of market failure
Keeping the benefits of economic activity within a community.
Other reasons I don't recall at this time.

> I'm willing to be convinced here, but I think you're designing a
> solution for a
> problem that doesn't exist. Nice idea to try out for a day, or to run in a
> suitably sympathetic eco-system but for the real world??

The CC movement isn't new.  It has many success stories including the
WIR which accounts for billions of trading in Switzerland and the
Ithaca Hours.  There is extensive use of CC in Japan.  Are all those
participants in local currencies wasting their time and energy?  Has
their economic activity been unproductive and for nothing?  I don't
think so.

Mamading Ceesay

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