[wsfii-discuss] Re: Whole Infrastructure Catalogue

Paula pmg at gmx.co.uk
Mon Oct 17 17:15:45 UTC 2005

Pretty much agreed on all points - modularity suits me cos flexible and
time-containable - can fit it round other stuff and build up gradually.
Grant funding turns stuff from use value to politics and real-politik
not my thing. Think we've got enough gory examples in front of us ;-)

Not completely sure about the print thing - a hellish lot of work.
Unless you know some way of pretty much "importing" the wiki into a DTP?
Bleedin expensive too?

I agree with the general point that a lot of people either don't have
high speed access to use an online guide and also that many people
prefer to follow a "hard" guide anyway. It'd be great to do, but we'd
need a group committed and sustainable enough to actually achieve it?
Might also be worth considering maybe a partnership with an ISP such as
GreenNet or the co-op thingie & offload some of the infrastructure cost
that way?

Are you thinking of trying to generate both online and print versions
simultaneously - more sensible to tackle an online version first? Note
someone else on the list interested - you acquainted?

I'm near Nimes somewhere this week, but picking up email . . .


hugh barnard wrote:

>I'm interested in this...it can probably be done in a
>modular, rather than a 'big bang' way...I'm interested
>in something that is both on-line and print:
>1. Many of those that would benefit aren't on-line
>much,  because they're waiting for affordable
>2. Some of the print _may_ be a way of financing some
>of it..I have a personal preference for auto-finance
>over grants. More sustainable and more genuinely
>Best regards Hugh
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