[wsfii-discuss] presentation?

Mark Simpkins mark at nodalpoints.org
Mon Sep 5 22:34:07 UTC 2005

Hi Joanna,

Just read your post on the WSFII discussion list, it sounds really  
interesting and I hope you can make it as I would love to talk to you  
as it sounds like I am working on a project that covers some similar  

'We Are All Here' is a project to re-kindle the notion of us all  
living within a single bio-sphere. Using the ideas from Buckminster  
Fullers GeoScope and his 'Spaceship Earth' ideas I am planning a  
series of installations, objects and interventions to provoke these  

One of the strands involves the use of satellite orbits, and views  
from the satellites.

I would love to talk to you about this and maybe swap notes. I look  
forward to seeing your piece for Impakt Online.

If you are interested I can send you some more information on 'We Are  
All Here'. It is in its early stages at the moment, I have just spent  
this weekend preparing a number of outline documents to apply for  
funding and have been sending out the occasional messages to the  
Geowankers list to try and get people involved.

Hope to hear from you,


On 30 Aug 2005, at 00:08, Joanna Griffin wrote:

> Hi
> I've just heard about the world summit on free information  
> infrastructures.
> Maybe I met some people working with the geoserver project at the  
> DEAf festival in Rotterdam. Is that possible? Was the Command  
> Centre room connected to this?
> Anyway, I'm posting because I've been working on a project for some  
> time that's needed research into the availability online of  
> information around satellites. so I've been sourcing satellite  
> coordinates and real time images, as well as talking to people and  
> visiting centres associated with remote sensing and satellite  
> technology. Its really an art project and hopefully by the end of  
> september I'll have finished a piece for Impakt Online, http:// 
> www.impakt.nl/
> Perhaps there's space to present something about it. I'm interested  
> in how access to geopspatial data changes the way people feel about  
> their environment. For instance to what extent is it possible to  
> feel a palpable connection to the space of orbiting satellites  
> through tracking data or satellite images. The project broadly  
> examines the extent to which the two invisible networks of the  
> Internet and satellite networks interconnect and is about the  
> politics of access and restriction that are inherent in each. It's  
> been pretty tough trying to make this work because of restrictions  
> on so much of the information I've been wanting to use, so I'm more  
> than interested in what you are trying to do.
> OK, well I'll just send this for now. Let me know if more info is  
> needed. I haven't subscribed to the list - should I subscribe?
> thanks
> joanna
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