[wsfii-discuss] Re: Review Community Currencies panel scheduling?

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Sat Sep 17 21:01:51 UTC 2005

hello Keith, Mamading, list,

On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 07:30:23PM +0100, Mamading Ceesay wrote:
[ Keith Hart wrote ]
> > Squeezing all that into one hour doesn't make sense.
> Looking at the programme ( http://www.okfn.org/wsfii/programme.html ),

i regret having conveyed any disrespect or hastiness; it was not intended.

As a self-appointed Wsfii co-organiser (along with Saul and Rufus, and
for the pre-week Julian, Juergen and Tomas) i feel entitled to state
that Wsfii has been organised in a very just-in-time, reactive, in
some sense disassociated fashion. This *has* meant that we've
overlooked, or underemphasised, contributions from particular people
or groups of people. We've done our best to rectify a few serious
oversights recently, and personally i know there are a few more about
which i think, "if only, we were better resourced, we could do X here."

If, as a result of a very casual organising style, you have been
treated casually, i hope very much that you will bear in mind goodness
of intention and facility of process.

I do think that at as a result of both this discussion and the
proposition of a 'meta' panel session, a last refactoring of the
programme is done before sending out a round of "reminder/register or
don't get in" email. 

I agree that the community currency panel session needs more
time to do it justice, given the range of topics covered by the
speakers, than a mere hour. *perhaps* we can consider doing the Free
Culture / Free Media session as a more dorkbot[0]-style event,
beginning at 6.30 or 7 on the Saturday evening, which leads into the
Free Culture congress..?

[0] http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotlondon/


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