[wsfii-discuss] re-scheduling the community currency panel plan

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sun Sep 18 22:35:12 UTC 2005

Dear Saul,

My current understanding is that there is now no-one on community 
currencies who is that pressed for time sunday afternoon (Keith needs to 
make a train at Waterloo at 1930 which means leaving at e.g. 1730 leaves 
him plenty of time). If that is the case why don't we simply leave Civic 
Info where it is but change the CC panel to 1545 - 1715 (or even 1600 - 
1730) and then have the final meta panel/WSFII congress starting 15 mins 
after that. This will minimize changes but still ensure that each panel 
has enough time.



Saul Albert wrote:
> Dear all - esp: Rufus, Jo, Mamading, Keith, Shekhar, Richard.. anyone
> else effected,
> I think we need a simple solution to recently highlighted scheduling
> issues that doesn't involve a day-change at this stage... so my proposed
> solution is:
> 1. We swap the Open Civic Information panel (currently 14:00-15:30 on
>    Sunday 2nd) with the Community Currency panel (currently 1600-1700). 
> 2. We extend the late afternoon session from 16:00-17:00 by half an hour.
> 2.5. We therefore are able to provide an extra 30 mins during / after the
>    panel which gives us a good opportunity to do something interesting.
>    Possibly relating to 'The Hitman's Dilemma?' I'll email Keith about htis
>    off-list.
> 3. We decide that Congress: WSFII 2006, sheduled for 17:30 onwards *is*
>    our 'meta' panel and that's where we schedule talks and presentations
>    from Gavin Hill from FFII.org , Tav and the Espians, Arun Mehta - wsfii
>    2006 Nagarjuna - gnowledge.org, and maybe, from what you were saying jo,
>    a software meta presentation (?).
> We will have to ask the following people if they can make the change:
> A). The 'can you move to 16:00 - 17:30 crew:
> * Heather Brooke - 
> * Stefan Magdalinski
> * Francis Irving and Julian Todd - The Public Whip
> * Chris Lightfoot - MySociety
> * Katy Andrews - NoLondon2012 
> B). The 'can you move to 14:00 - 15:30 crew:
> * Mary Fee - Lets Link UK
> * Keith Hart - The Memory Bank
> * Richard Kay (TBC) - Multi Registry Systems
> * Hugh Barnard - CCLite 
> C). The 'can you present from 17:30-18:30 onwards' crew:
> * Gavin Hill
> * Nagarjuna
> * Tav
> * Arun Mehta
> * jo? alexei? other 'metas'
> Some of you are on this list :) please reply here! Those that are not -
> we should email off-list. I propose this list of contact
> responsibilities:
> - group A). Rufus
> - group B). Mamading / Jo
> - group c). me
> We could do it tomorrow and re-convene after all responses are in (Monday
> or Tuesday hopefully) to finalise.
> Keith - I hope that's organised enough for me to qualify as an anarchist,
> although I prefer the term adhocrat.
> Cheers,
> Saul.

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