[wsfii-discuss] Webcast

Saul Albert saul at twenteenthcentury.com
Thu Sep 29 19:17:27 UTC 2005


On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 06:25:41AM -0700, Jo Walsh wrote:
> there are a couple of nice lads here, from the ramparts centre, they
> have been setting up streaming equipment and testing interfaces for a
> couple of days. So i assume this is all swimming along. I don't know
> what recording/re-encoding activity is covered by their kind effort.

Antonio from East London Autonomous Media (http://elam.omweb.org) is
setting up an icecast server / client to stream audio from the talks. I
don't think they'll be videoed
- who wants to have to download a 600MB mp4 of someone's lips moving and
  bad resolution images of their slides, when a 2mb mp3 would do fine.

I think we shoud collect people's talk slides and put them online
immediately after they've talkd, along with a good set of 4 or 5 photos
of the speaker, alongside a kind of cue card with who they are and what
they're talking about.

I think we should also run several boxes in the hall for people to use i
f they're taking photos they want to upload, but as always, I think it
would be best for people to be careful about who they photograph and to
always ask permission.. so somehting to that effect can be written up on
the notice boards in the entrance hall.

Apart from that, I know elam are planning an 'interview booth' on the
ground floor where interesting people can be dragged and talked to on or
off camera which sould also be uploaded, but might be edited first..

If anyone wants to participate in a co-ordinated and privacy-sensitive
documentation effort for WSFII, please make yourselves known! There'll be
a production meeting the morning before WSFII starts to look at a list of
registered participants, decide who to drag to the interview chamber, and
how to cover other aspects of the event.

Also - presenters, if you have slides and would like to share them,
please mail me off-list and I'll give you somewhere to upload them. Clock
- thanks! I alread got yours and they're beatufil!



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