[wsfii-discuss] WSFII Summit in Catalonia by the end of April 2.007 (27th-29th)

Ramon Roca ramon.roca at guifi.net
Wed Dec 20 22:01:23 UTC 2006

Hi James and all!

Latest talks we are having here are in the direction to move it to July.
Of course we'll update with the fixed date, and that will be soon.


En/na james stevens ha escrit:
> Dear Ramon and all,
> I have been following discussions regards your suggested date for the 
> Barcelona area wsfii type event with interest whilst also considering 
> a complimentary 'mash' event in London around that time.
> There is considerable interest in each area of focus suggested, the 
> acute firmware focus of C labs community wireless weekender is of 
> specific interest to many who would also like to attend your event, me 
> included. However given the hard choice I will be there with you! 
> Guifi.net demonstrates the extent to which freenetwork enterprise and 
> community wireless proposition can propagate whatever the technique 
> (and I have yet to visit Barcelona)
> If fresh attempts to resolve dynamic routing (hail B.A.T.M.A.N 
> <https://snr.freifunk.net/trac/wcw/tags/%27B.A.T.M.A.N%27>) are to be 
> successful then successful deployment across larger scale 
> infrastructures such as those at guifi might be key to their wider 
> adoption.
> Similarly the zero conf and service discovery tools fast being 
> included in the evolutionary prototypes for tooling of wireless 
> networking (hivenetworks.net) will  expose the value of locally 
> created and hosted services and application of new ideas to the 
> expanded infrastructure.
> So we need both and preferably one after the other than all at once.! 
> In the meantime we are hanging back on setting dates for our event 
> till we hear what you decide..!
> what about the weekend before or after?
> easy
> James
> consume.net | boundless.coop | spc.org
> Ramon Roca wrote:
>> En/na Daniel Paufler ha escrit:
>>> Unfortunately, the Barcelona event now
>>> interferrence with wireless community weekend in Berlin. Anyhow, would
>>> be good to have both in that calendar.
>> We are currently discussing in moving to July or not...
>> In the meantime, I'm not sure that really conflicts. That's why I 
>> asking for confirmation of the contents. If Berlin focus on firmwares 
>> (Freifunk/Openwrt..) and routing mesh protocols such OLSR/Batman, I 
>> think that there is a chance to be complementary. That's what I'm 
>> trying to find out.
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