[wsfii-discuss] International collaborations during the Community Wireless Summit [was: Announcing the Second National Summit...]

Saul Albert saul at twenteenthcentury.com
Sat Feb 25 09:41:23 UTC 2006

On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 12:58:11PM -0600, Sascha Meinrath wrote:
> Friday is pre-conference, but we could set up something in the morning. 
> Ideally, we could do this on Saturday morning during the "International 
> Wireless Networks" session -- or even during both times.  It would be 
> fantastic to have representatives from all over the world be a part of the 
> discussion.  The session runs from 10:30am-12:30pm (GMT -6).  We could set 
> up some sort of audio and/or video feed, get an IRC backchannel set up, etc.

That sounds great. So, for London, that would be 4:30pm - 6:30pm on
Saturday 1st April. That makes a lot of sense because there's a huge arty
party event kicking off at Limehouse Town Hall at about 7pm that evening,
so anyone who comes to the session would immediately be able to go and
get drunk and dance.

What kinds of technologies can the knowledgeable people on this list

I would probably take a recipe from http://www.streamingsuitcase.com/ and
do some kind of ogg-theora-based two-way streaming thing, but that could
be quite bandwidth-intensive if more people joined, watched and wanted to
make video streams from their localities.

Doea anyone have scalable and simple solutions to this?

Audio with IRC backchannel sounds good, but it would maybe be better to
have 'updates' style structured micro-presentations (10 mins?) from
international free networkers, then discussion based in CU - with the IRC
backchannel open to all. That would also get over the language issue to
some extent.  If someone wants to present in Spanish, perhaps a
translator in CU can be found... 

I doubt I have the best ideas on this front, however..



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