FW: [wsfii-discuss] Was FON in Spain - Now, can someone please exp lain...
Ken DiPietro
ken at new-isp.net
Mon Jul 17 15:51:29 UTC 2006
Thank you for your explanation.
Have a great vacation.
Anyone else wish to join in?
Ramon Roca wrote:
> About attacks, same as inet, w the diff that its rare (masochist) to fight w ur own neighbors in a place where people socializes. Vast majority looks 4 friends, not enemies.
> About proprietary models w still unproven biz models but known 4 being proven 2 speculate, just distinguish betw them and neutral free models.
> sorry 4 being telegraphic. Im writing this w cell phone in vacation from venezia in vacation :)
> - original message -
> Subject: [wsfii-discuss] Was FON in Spain - Now, can someone please explain...
> From: Ken DiPietro <ken at new-isp.net>
> Date: 17/07/2006 14:17
> To all,
> First off, I am going to clearly state that I am not trying to cause a
> dispute here between those who believe in open networks and those who do
> not. I am going to offer an apology, in advance, to anyone who feels
> that I am being critical in an unfair way - this is truly not my intention.
> That said, I guess I need someone (everyone?) out there to provide me
> with an education.
> Where I am confused is how one of these "spontaneous networks" operates
> under either a DDOS attack or a severe virus infestation. Having run
> networks that have been hit with both of those occurrences I believe I
> can speak with some authority to the devastation that can be wreaked
> either through intentional motivations or unintentional ignorance.
> If what we are talking about here is the construction of communications
> networks that will be used by overwhelmingly computer illiterate users,
> how are these issues dealt with?
> Thanks, I appreciate the education,
> Ken
> Dana Spiegel wrote:
>> FON is a worthwhile idea only because it will get more wi-fi deployed
>> and will raise the level of awareness. Otherwise, its a totally closed
>> network. You have to be a member (either by paying or by putting up a
>> FON router yourself) in order to get access to other FON hotspots.
>> Dana Spiegel
>> Executive Director
>> NYCwireless
>> dana at NYCwireless.net <mailto:dana at NYCwireless.net>
>> www.NYCwireless.net
>> +1 917 402 0422
>> Read the Wireless Community blog: http://www.wirelesscommunity.info
>> On Jul 17, 2006, at 3:27 AM, vvcrishna at radiophony.com
>> <mailto:vvcrishna at radiophony.com> wrote:
>>> http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=33937
>>> <http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=33937>
>>> "A Spanish Internet company is selling a million wireless Internet
>>> routers for
>>> just $5 each*. But there's a catch: Buyers must share their wireless
>>> Internet
>>> connections with their friends, neighbors, or even total strangers.
>>> It's all
>>> part of a daring plan to create a nationwide WiFi network on the cheap."
>>> Reading further I see this is FON, and I have seen some 'interesting'
>>> comments
>>> about them on this forum, but (being in India) I don't know what
>>> raises humour
>>> or hackles re: FON. Do share.
>>> Vickram
>>> *Plus $8 shipping fee
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