[wsfii-discuss] Onward to Africa

Juergen Neumann j.neumann at ergomedia.de
Mon Nov 13 09:53:40 UTC 2006

Julian wrote:

> just got a mail from klavs on this topic - should we move with the
> proposals for rationalising the wsfii wikis from the summer camp then?
> * set up a mediawiki on diirwb server
> * migrate existing airjaldi content and wsfii.london content 
> to the new wiki
> * set up a wordpress news page on wsfii.org home page
> * move wsfii.org domain registrant to diirwb
> * setup a web based dns like http://gratisdns.dk for domain admin
> * leave maillists on okfn.org
> what do people think?

Excellent. Please let's proceed asap.



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