[wsfii-discuss] SF Bay Area project Status / Stanford GROW-Net project

wlan at mac.com wlan at mac.com
Mon Dec 3 10:16:07 UTC 2007


> When I refered to 'open network model' it was in terms of both economy
> (who is paying for the infrastructure) and management (who is
> managing/controlling the infrastructure) - further more, I'm not  
> sure if
> it is possible to attach something like an 'independent mesh-cloud' to
> the Google funded network in Mountain View (or use a system like
> Coova.org) ...
> But good question - I still think Guifi.net is a close with their
> definition of 'neutral network' (and I'm personnaly not convinced that
> the SF. net innitiative is "neutral" in this sense) ...?

For it to be 'open', then, who is then paying for it and managing it?  
I suppose my notion of 'open' is simply not being closed to certain  
devices, software, Internet protocols, or authentication providers  
(users). Yet, it should have some security, accountability, and fair  
use. Otherwise, how does it not become a haven for spamming and  

I think there are different issues with regard to a independent mesh  
working with Google MV or Coova. Are you thinking a mesh can't work  
with any AAA system or something more specific, like their business  


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