[wsfii-discuss] RE: Trainerspot Webinars: A Potential tool tospread wsfii ideas to Africa and Developing World

asif.daya at trainerspod.com asif.daya at trainerspod.com
Wed Jul 11 23:46:05 UTC 2007


You are mistaken. You do NOT need broadband. I had someone from Africa with
28.8 modem login successfully - yes we did not do videos but we did
powerpoints and discussions which is the norm. So, I would stop from this
hesitancy due to bandwidth and just say you are not interested.


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-----Original Message-----
From: wsfii-discuss-bounces at lists.okfn.org
[mailto:wsfii-discuss-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Vickram Crishna
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 7:59 AM
To: Discuss list on the World Summit on Free Information Infrastructure
Subject: Re: [wsfii-discuss] RE: Trainerspot Webinars: A Potential tool
tospread wsfii ideas to Africa and Developing World

Aside from Asif's application, some of us have been using Gizmo and Skype
for the monthly conference Laura organised. I must admit my own bandwidth
limitations have made this a less than enjoyable session for me, and the
unreliability of the connection itself makes it hard to actually be sure to

All the more reason to fervently want broadband for all. And an application
that will make it easier to get a grip on - and participate in! - all the
different things happening around the world. So far, in my humble opinion,
lists, conversations, wikis and conferences don't even begin to make the

--- jeff buderer <jeff at onevillagefoundation.org>

> Things seem to have gotten pretty quiet here.
> Any volunteers willing to take Asif up on his offer?
> Anyone a bit curious about Asif and what he does and how it might 
> relate to the future of wsfii?
> I think this could evolve into real opportunity to put together some 
> web conferences to better link together our network and also be a way 
> to demonstrate how we can effectively use ICT tools without having to 
> travel to meet someone in person at a conference or other physical 
> location.
> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: asif.daya at trainerspod.com
> [mailto:asif.daya at trainerspod.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:35 PM
> To: jeff at onevillagefoundation.org;
> wsfii-discuss at lists.okfn.org
> Subject: RE: Trainerspot Webinars: A Potential tool to spread wsfii 
> ideas to Africa and Developing World
> Jeff:
> You can get a detailed info about trainerspod from the links below and 
> the sublinks below those pages especially the home page and community 
> page. There are links at the bottom to follow.
> Yes, it would be nice to have volunteers put together a webinar.
> I too would love feedback on Wi-Max.
> I hear sound foundry is pretty good too. But I had someone from Africa 
> login at 28.8 modem into our Webinar held in the USA. Video would be 
> an impossibility - but there are options for video and showing your 
> desktop or the www. You can try it out at:
> http://www.vroom.com or
> http://www.elluminate.com/vroom where you can login and invite two 
> other colleagues - you will be the moderator with privileges - but you 
> can reassign privileges. Try it out for Africa. The person will need 
> to go
> to: http://www.elluminate.com/support to see if they have the Java 
> modules. You too will have to go there to convert your Powerpoints to 
> .wbd (whiteboard) format. ENJOY!!!
> Asif
>  <http://www.trainerspod.com/CMS>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/CMS
>  <http://www.trainerspod.com/community>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/community
>  <http://www.trainerspod.com/info>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/info
> Please consider the environment before printing this message.
>   _____
> From: Jeff Buderer
> [mailto:jeff at onevillagefoundation.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 5:16 PM
> To: asif.daya at trainerspod.com;
> wsfii-discuss at lists.okfn.org
> Subject: RE: Trainerspot Webinars: A Potential tool to spread wsfii 
> ideas to Africa and Developing World Asif,
> >The train begins in Kenya and moves towards the
> rural areas whereby
> medical help is provided. I would like to add ICT help >and hopefully 
> through the grant get broadband. I would need to hire locals for the 
> portions of the grant.
> Do you have a detailed document about Trainerspod that I could review?
> My thought would be that this could be something that because it is 
> operational project could be a good foundation for seeking a grant for 
> the development of a wireless network along the rail line that 
> Trainspod operates on. Then networks could expand from the wireless 
> node at each stop.
> >If we could encourage speakers on the topics you
> have recommended below
> we can discuss how to develop the topic into
> >something of interest to
> Africa. Anyone interested please contact me at 
> asif.daya at trainerspod.com
> Yes Regarding the presentation...I am wondering if we could have some 
> volunteers here to help us put together a presentation for the 
> Webinar.
> >Yes I understand it is not just about wireless
> (although as you know I
> am interested in Wi-Max to push the country forward)
> >but also about
> ICT.
> I would be interested to hear feedback from some of the folks here 
> regardign WiMAX verses 802.11
> >Yes, I understand the need for exchange of flow of
> information and the
> problems faced at each end. That is why I choose
> >Elluminate - it can
> accept very low bandwidth for communication. I had someone log-in at 
> 28.8K modem once from Africa!!
> Sounds good. Of possible relevance...I have been in communications 
> with Soft Foundry (http://www.softfoundry.com/home.php)
> regarding their low
> bandwidth video conference technology.
> Jeff
>   _____
> From: asif.daya at trainerspod.com
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 6:35 AM
> To: jeff at onevillagefoundation.org>,
> <wsfii-discuss at lists.okfn.org
> Subject: RE: Trainerspot Webinars: A Potential tool to spread wsfii 
> ideas to Africa and Developing World
> Jeff:
> The train begins in Kenya and moves towards the rural areas whereby 
> medical help is provided. I would like to add ICT help and hopefully 
> through the grant get broadband. I would need to hire locals for the 
> portions of the grant.
> Yes, I understand the need for exchange of flow of information and the 
> problems faced at each end. That is why I choose Elluminate - it can 
> accept very low bandwidth for communication. I had someone log-in at 
> 28.8K modem once from Africa!!
> Yes I understand it is not just about wireless (although as you know I 
> am interested in Wi-Max to push the country forward) but also about 
> ICT.
> If we could encourage speakers on the topics you have recommended 
> below we can discuss how to develop the topic into something of 
> interest to Africa. Anyone interested please contact me at 
> asif.daya at trainerspod.com
> You can see some of the archives at: 
> <http://www.trainerspod.com/CMS>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/CMS
> Asif
>  <http://www.trainerspod.com/CMS>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/CMS
>  <http://www.trainerspod.com/community>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/community
>  <http://www.trainerspod.com/info>
> http://www.trainerspod.com/info
> Please consider the environment before printing this message.
>   _____
=== message truncated ===>
> wsfii-discuss mailing list
> wsfii-discuss at lists.okfn.org
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