[wsfii-discuss] Hardware donation at hand

Assoc of Public ICT Tools Access Prov list at apiap.org
Sun Jun 3 09:54:45 UTC 2007

Maybe  before that get  a group  of people take charge of the website
http://wsfii.org/ .
WSFII site can atleast:
#  aggregate the information & development  in the CWN arena &
#  Get  as many activist/ enthusiast  blog on the site .

Choosing your facilitators will be easy .


On 6/3/07, Vickram Crishna <v1clist at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> --- Jeff Buderer <jeff at onevillagefoundation.org>
> wrote:
> > We need a structure in place within the wsfii
> > network to manage or at
> > least facilitate the process.
> >
> With all due respect to the way things have been done
> in other circumstances, one facet of wsfii is
> precisely the steering clear of 'organisation' that
> has its own baggage.
> If there is confusion, it is only because everyone is
> not totally with it on the process. If the process is
> not clear enough, then either we should automate a
> 'rules' mail that goes out to the list once a month,
> or we should express our doubts about the process.
> I think that a working group for a particular 'event',
> such as the gathering in Ghana, should take charge to
> coordinate things. This should be as open a process as
> possible, to avoid the kind of stuff that went wrong
> in Dharamsala (for example, many travelers requesting
> visas for India put down 'conference' as the reason
> for travel, not knowing this raises a red flag with
> our penpushers, who either delayed or refused some
> requests. We should have had an advisory telling
> people to select 'tourism' or something).
> Vickram
> ___________________________________________________________

Association of Public ICT Tools Access Provider
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