[wsfii-discuss] Re: wsfii-discuss Digest, Vol 25, Issue 11

l annison l.annison at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 16:41:14 UTC 2007

I am heartily behind any work on longhaul peered fibre (worldwide). We have
been trying to address this with some of the carriers here in the UK as
there are potentially enough community networks to equal a FTSE 500 level
customer for them, but it will be a long discussion it seems :o(. Some
co-ordinated international pressure might be of benefit to all community

Interesting view on how to get bandwidth into community networks recently on
the Global Crossing blog and how to potentially use the copper first mile
wisely and encourage the telcos to get on with FTTC and FTTH.

For instance, here in the UK, if we also got de-regulation on sub-loop
unbundling so we could put our own tophats with our kit on fibred street
cabs, it would up the ante. Finally, a little competition for the telcos -
serious highspeed backhaul and decent services in the first mile, p'raps?!

Lindsey Annison
Access to Broadband Campaign
Fiver To The Home

En/na Matthew Asham ha escrit:
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > One might argue that a key strategy in addressing our common concerns,
> is
> > the extensive use of long haul peered fibre exchanges to build a Webb to
> > connect our Community Networks.
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> > --
> > Matthew Asham
> > British Columbia Wireless Network Society
> > www.bcwireless.net | +1 604 484 5289 x1006
> To my understanding, that's what Sascha has been working on getting
> started with the Commons project.
> http://www.caida.org/projects/commons/
> Dana and Laura from NYC wireless and I were at the initial meeting.
> It's all about getting backbone / bandwidth to give to community and
> municipal networking.  Worth talking to him about if you're interested
> in this.
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