[wsfii-discuss] WSFII event in Catalonia rescheduled to July 12-14

james stevens james at spc.org
Fri Mar 30 09:36:57 UTC 2007

Hi Ramon,

So pleased to see you have set dates for your event in Catalonia, you 
mention below that more info to follow, did I miss this announcement 

When we met in London last year you introduced us to your meta 
configuration toolbox at http://guifi.net and we talked about many 
aspects of the package particularly in regard to description of local 
network services and how to maintain node centric link listings to 
expose local content, have you had any more thoughts about service 
discovery and zero conf ?

With regard to evolving networks here in the UK we would like to talk 
with you again prior to July about iteration/mirror of your system at 
our hosting here so we can work toward more widespread integration of 
the many open wireless networks and community infrastructure projects 
and help your development where possible. What are your plans in general 
regards your codebase?

I am looking forward to the wireless community weekend in Berlin at the 
end of April (26-29), will you be attending..?


http://consume.net http://boundless.coop http://spc.org

Ramon Roca wrote:
> To avoid conflicts, we've rescheduled the event in Catalonia. Just 
> hoping that will be no conflicts now.
> Details (agenda, logistics...) will follow.
> The main idea, as we have done with our local SAX events before, will 
> be share our experiences as a guifi.net, and all together, to build 
> foundations for gaining momentum in building communities around free, 
> neutral and people powered networks and surpassing difficulties, not 
> just in terms of technical issues, also whathever is around that.
> The idea is doing that in a debate/workshop kind of sessions. We're 
> open to any suggestions or help in organization. Agenda might be 
> compressed or expanded depending on the final content.
> Best regards,
> Ramon Roca
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