[wsfii-discuss] Fwd: [india-gii] poor WiFi encryption a security risk

wlanmac wlan at mac.com
Fri Sep 19 05:10:47 UTC 2008

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against open WiFi... I just happen to
believe people over simplify it's lack of security and accountability. 

I think there has to be a distinction between people anonymizing by
actively breaking the law (stealing passwords, phones, passports, cars,
buses, etc) and those just opening up their laptop. I also think there
is a difference when talking about individual locations vs. city wide

With all of Alex's tricks for avoiding surveillance, I wonder, do you
keep your home access point open? If so, why *don't* you worry about
those smart criminals watching your traffic. If you *do* use security at
home, why is the security concern lessened away from home? 

Btw, a lot of campuses in eduroam use 802.1x. Those who are security
minded might use a VPN at public locations. But, what about the average
person? You are all happy with them believing that the city wide network
is free, safe, and secure? 


On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 00:16 +0200, Kaplan L. Aaron wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2008, at 3:16 PM, wlanmac wrote:
> > True, but your analogy isn't complete, in my opinion.
> >
> > Roads are patrolled by police and sometimes cctv. You need a license
> > to drive and are subject to random inspection. The postal system puts
> > safeguards in place to deal with threats. Cellular networks are
> > not free and open and they also monitor and track usage.
> >
> > What safeguards are put into open WiFi networks?
> > How are they patrolled and/or monitored?
> >
> > Closing the 'networks' you pointed out would indeed have serious
> > implications to business, life, and liberty. Does closing down
> > (or securing) WiFi have the same kind of consequences? hmm...
> >
> the problem with securing wifi is that WEP is still crackable anyway.
> WPA is just as good as the passwords the user chose.
> So the whole security topic should be seen more on an "internet level".
> you could just as well replace "open wifi network" in the  
> argumentation above by
> "internet cafe" or "university campus" or "DSL uplink". Why?
> Because we live in times of tor or other strong crypto anonymizers.
> So...
> no reason to bash at open wifi networks in particular in my opinion.
> a.
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