[wsfii-discuss] wsfii blog spammed

Drew from Zhrodague drew at zhrodague.net
Thu Aug 27 12:43:17 UTC 2009

kloschi wrote:
> Thanx Drew for giving general anti spam advice.
> But my question was more towards the site admins ;)

	Oops! I hadn't payed attention to who's the site owner -- just me 
trying to help.

	However, I do have to fight spam on http://www.WiFiMaps.com and 
http://www.PGHWireless.net kinda often, so I know what the spam volume 
is like.

	Hi, all!


Drew from Zhrodague		http://www.pghwireless.net
drew at zhrodague.net		http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotpgh
http://www.WiFiMaps.com		http://www.hackpittsburgh.org

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