[wsfii-discuss] wsfii blog spammed

Bjarke Nielsen bjarke at djurslands.net
Thu Aug 27 15:20:25 UTC 2009

Hello Kloschi and Vickram and others who care for the wsfii.org website 
!  :-)

The website is hosted by the "Djursland International Institute of Rural 
Wireless Broadband" (DIIRWB), and Klavs Bryld here at DIIRWB holds the 
key to administrator access.

I have now talked to Klavs, and as he remembered it, access was given to 
some of you last time we had some writing on maintainace of wisfii.org, 
but he was nor sure on this. He was busy right now with tasks for the 
GrenaaS.net, but said that he probably could find some time this 
Saturday, to go back and see what was done last time, and also time to 
provide those of you who want to participate in caring for the wsfii.org 
website with access . . .

With Smiles from Bjarke :-)
Bjarke at DjurslandS.net

kloschi skrev:
> hi, 
> I was just up to get the logo to link to the wsfii site from a new
> project, but as the wsfii site looks atm it is not a good idea to bring
> people there.
> there are *thousands* of spam articles.
> how could I help cleaning that up?
> how do we prevent that in the future? (hint: akismet, captchas ..)
> thanx & greeetz,
> kloschi
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