[annotator-dev] How to call loadFromSearch or loadAnnotations function of the Store plugin manually?

Mathias Lin mathias.lin at westernacher.com
Mon May 11 14:11:48 UTC 2015


How can I call the loadFromSearch or loadAnnotations function of the Store
plugin (http://docs.annotatorjs.org/en/v1.2.x/plugins/store.html)
manually, not only automated when the plugin is added for the first time?

Currently it¹s being executed when the plugin is added:

$('#content').annotator('addPlugin', 'Store', {
  loadFromSearch: {
    'limit': 0,
    'all_fields': 1,
    'uri': 'http://this/document/only'

but I need to call it multiple times later on.

How to get a reference to the Store-Plugin in order to call its functions?



I noted you are writing an app to integrated Annotator into pdf.js.
I am actually working on exactly the same right now. Would be interesting
to know about your experience and progress.
My question above is actually related to that project.

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