[CfAll DE] Fwd: Apply Now: The GovLab Academy's New Course Offering

Jan Ameli jpameli at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 15:18:36 UTC 2014

Hi Julia,

danke für die Info!

LG aus Gießen


Am 26.08.14 um 16:49 schrieb Julia Kloiber:
> Liebe Labs,
> anbei Infos und Links zur Anmeldung für einem sehr spannenden online 
> Kurs zum Thema Civic Tech am MIT und der NUY.
> Der Kurs passt super zu CFG und eurer Arbeit. Die Deadline für 
> Anmeldungen ist morgen - sorry für die Kurzfristigkeit, ich bin leider 
> erst seit heute wieder aus dem Urlaub zurück.
> Viele Grüße,
> Julia
> Julia Kloiber
> *Project Lead – Open Knowledge Foundation Germany*
> *
> *
> www.okfn.de <http://www.okfn.de> | @okfde
> office +49 (0) 30 577 036 662
> mobile +49 (0)176 61 98 64 22
> skype: julia_kloiber | twitter: @j_kloiber
> GPG: 0x97BCABD598F8A8BE
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> *Von: *Beth Noveck <noveck at gmail.com <mailto:noveck at gmail.com>>
>> *Betreff: **[MI] Fwd: Apply Now: The GovLab Academy's New Course 
>> Offering*
>> *Datum: *21. August 2014 22:38:58 MESZ
>> *An: *muni-innovation at googlegroups.com 
>> <mailto:muni-innovation at googlegroups.com>
>> *Antwort an: *muni-innovation at googlegroups.com 
>> <mailto:muni-innovation at googlegroups.com>
>>           The GovLab Academy’s new course
>>           <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3D950c25d1fe%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=0e9508d7-1892-4923-e818-bb94d7d9af32>
>>           can help you solve problems that matter.
>>     Are you passionate about civic tech? Are you…
>>       * Working in government with an innovative project you want to
>>         bring to life?
>>       * An independent social innovator who wants to expand your
>>         toolkit for real-world change?
>>       * Someone with an important idea for tackling a social problem
>>         but who needs to develop the key skills to take your vision
>>         from idea to implementation?
>>     Spaces for online participation are now available for the GovLab
>>     Academy’s flagship 14-week, Masters-level course, *Solving Public
>>     Problems with Technology*. Learn about the program here
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3Ddc206c609c%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=cfcb9a06-eb92-495a-e41e-774ad40677ba>.
>>     In the Fall Semester of 2014 this course is being taught live for
>>     students at the MIT Media Lab (Wednesdays from 11am to 1pm) and
>>     NYU students (Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm). You can apply
>>     to join either session as an online participant in the program
>>     (credit will not be granted at either institution for online
>>     participants). The course will be taught by Professor Beth Simone
>>     Noveck
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3Da0b64b4784%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=7f89b83a-ae52-4d7d-aa20-b020a61866e8>
>>     (Director of the Governance Lab, author of *Wiki Government* and
>>     the forthcoming *Smart Citizen, Smarter State*, and former Deputy
>>     Chief Technology Officer in the Obama Administration), with
>>     contributions from the GovLab Faculty
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage1.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3D6da3d352e2%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=ee025015-2ecf-44b6-d9be-1490b60c6809> and
>>     a wide range experts in the fields of open governance and civic
>>     technology. Details on the subject matter covered, the work
>>     assigned, the supplementary readings and videos, and
>>     participation logistics are all contained in the online syllabus
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3D2b9e1cafb5%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=f846071f-190d-4f45-b2f3-7ce22a031092>.
>>     *Solving Public Problems with Technology* is not a traditional
>>     course. We offer a hands-on learning and mentoring program
>>     designed to help you shape and implement an innovative project
>>     using civic technology. To that end, we will prepare you to take
>>     advantage of the latest innovations in open and participatory
>>     problem-solving, including the application of open data,
>>     crowdsourcing, expert networks and systems, game mechanics, and
>>     prizes. We will prepare you to work with real-world institutions
>>     and partners, such as agencies and NGOs, to develop more
>>     effective and scalable initiatives. We will also give you ready
>>     access to a community of like-minded practitioners and experts,
>>     who will provide a network of support as you take your project
>>     through to implementation.
>>       * Individuals and teams are both eligible to apply. Online
>>         participation is free of charge thanks to a generous grant
>>         from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
>>         <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3D4817aa6cc2%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=bf9f10bd-5402-4eae-d500-6128899fc70f>.
>>       * While online participants will not receive academic credit
>>         the GovLab will recognize satisfactory completion of all
>>         course requirements with a certificate and demonstration of
>>         relevant skills and capabilities with appropriate open badges
>>         <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3Df2e2cd4854%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=098898bb-d2d3-46fb-ced7-fcadb623bbf9>.
>>       * Students enrolled at other institutions wishing to explore
>>         the possibility of being granted independent study credit at
>>         their home institution should contact us. We will be happy to
>>         collaborate.
>>       * If you wish to apply, please fill out our application form
>>         here
>>         <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3Da2fdd5a8ab%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=2919b2b3-23a0-47bb-b7b1-5091bb2e312d>.
>>         Applications for Fall 2014 semester are due by *August 27^th
>>         *, but additional courses will be offered later this year and
>>         throughout 2015.
>>     Can’t participate in this semester’s course? Stay updated on
>>     future offerings by signing up here
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3D779e05b14c%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=bf8f7242-6435-4de8-ec6a-78ebbd606402>.
>>     If you have questions please contact us at:
>>     info-academy at thegovlab.org <mailto:info-academy at thegovlab.org>.
>>           About The GovLab
>>           <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3De614a6b9d3%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=03df1681-8d20-449b-df8d-ef1af9a82119>
>>     The Governance Lab (The GovLab) strives to improve people’s lives
>>     by changing how we govern. We endeavor to strengthen the ability
>>     of people and institutions to work together to solve problems,
>>     make decisions, resolve conflict and govern themselves more
>>     effectively and legitimately. We design technology, policy and
>>     strategies for fostering more open and collaborative approaches
>>     to governance and we test what works.
>>     The goal of the GovLab Academy is to support a new generation of
>>     public entrepreneurs to tap the intelligence of citizens and
>>     create actionable projects that improve people’s lives.
>>     Follow us on Twitter @TheGovLab
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3Db5495a2af0%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=84ec8b5e-403e-4a10-888d-3a28d433ccec>
>>     unsubscribe from this list
>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage.com%2Funsubscribe%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3De7e3f296da%26e%3Dcfff23bf89%26c%3D3fd5d468a1&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=44098a17-f7af-45a6-dd00-4bcde0ba4fba>
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>>     <http://t.sigopn02.com/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fopeninggovernment.us6.list-manage1.com%2Fprofile%3Fu%3D1a990feb5c%26id%3De7e3f296da%26e%3Dcfff23bf89&ukey=agxzfnNpZ25hbHNjcnhyGAsSC1VzZXJQcm9maWxlGICAwMLw2pcIDA&k=b2289675-c9ee-459a-ab0e-36eab68b3386>
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Viele Grüße

Jan Ameli

E-mail: jpameli at gmail.com
Internet: www.google.com/+JanPaymanAmeli

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