[ckan-dev] Report some bugs on CKAN 1.7 and 1.8

Toby Dacre toby.okfn at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 16:01:13 UTC 2012

On 20 August 2012 16:42, VENTURA Oceane <OCEANE.VENTURA at atos.net> wrote:

>  Hello,
> We are currently developing several features based on CKAN 1.7 and we
> noticed some bugs:
> * Related items of dataset can be "ideas" and don't have necessarily an
> URL (so it’s not a required field)
>  * When you add related items, if there is any accent in the title, an
> error happen (and French people used a lot of accents!)

I have a fix for this which i'll try to get into 1.8

fix is

-   log.debug('Created object %s' % str(related.title))
+  log.debug('Created object %s' % related.title)


> And some errors are messing up the good translation in the user interface:
>  * In the authorization panel of datasets or groups labels are not
> translated (editor, admin…)
> * In the user profile, date is non-formatted (in function of the language
> of the visitor)
> I identify the source code and file where the error happened:
> https://gist.github.com/3403701/b10761549a880b56f61e21924a7c366c68ab6659(sorry for the duplicated items)
> TIA,
> Have a nice day
> [image: Description : blue_strip]
> *
> Océane VENTURA*
> Business Development & Innovation
> ATOS - Public Sector France
> *oceane.ventura at atos.net<https://web.uc.atosorigin.com/OWA/redir.aspx?C=c8280941e8e3427cb8265bf94a8777cb&URL=mailto%3aoceane.ventura%40atos.net>
> *
> A3/N4
> River Ouest,
> 80 quai Voltaire
> 95 877 Bezons Cedex
> www.atos.net<https://web.uc.atosorigin.com/OWA/redir.aspx?C=c8280941e8e3427cb8265bf94a8777cb&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.atos.net%2f>
> [image: Description : atos_logotype]
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