[ckan-dev] trac.ckan.org (still) does not support tickets from non-admin users

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon May 28 15:21:02 UTC 2012

On 28 May 2012 14:45, Sean Hammond <sean.hammond at okfn.org> wrote:
>> This was raised a little while ago. I think this is pretty important
>> to fix as it would allow wider number of people to file issues and
>> bugs.
>> Issue at the moment is trac spam handling does not function correctly
>> on trac.ckan.org and hence if we allow logged in users to create/edit
>> tickets we get flooded with spam.
>> 3 options:
>> a) Fix trac.ckan.org spam handling
>> b) Migrate to github issues
>> c) Do nothing :-)
>> I am actually leaning towards (b) given that we have code there. I've
>> really come to prefer simplicity of github issues and milestones have
>> improved quite a bit. Furthermore, there is an API so we could
>> probably automate migration of tickets (and maybe even keep same
>> ticket ids ...)
> Hey Rufus, I'm looking into several trac issues this week, including the
> spam handling.
> We talked about this at the ckan-dev meetup. The problem with switching
> to a new ticketing system (aside from it being a big disruptive change)
> is that we don't 100% know what we want from our ticket system yet, so

The big point for me right now is that:

* Github issues integrate directly with our commits
* UX is nicer
* It's really simple and will likely have more community contribution

> we can't judge whether some new system meets our requirements. We've got
> new ideas for how we want to work with tickets going forward, and at
> first we're gonna see if we can hammer trac into working how we want it
> to.

Got you. Though wonder what hammering trac involves (other than fixing
spam). If just spam and say <1h then worth it.

My big concern is the barrier to community contribution atm (which
isn't just spam issue).


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