[ckan-dev] Tagging visualisations onto datasets

Ross Jones ross.jones at okfn.org
Mon May 28 15:36:11 UTC 2012

Hi Tom,

We have the Related Item feature at the moment, soon to be renamed, which allows you to add details about an app or visualisation you've found.  Is that what you mean or are you suggesting a way for users to ask for someone else to create a visualisation?


On 28 May 2012, at 16:27, Tom Rees wrote:

> Hello CKAN developers,
> At the end of April I went to TransparencyCamp, and ended up talking about CKAN/datahub.io an awful lot. It was (very) frequently compared to GitHub, though the comparison is not always a suitable one. Several conversations centred around the idea of Pull Requests, which GitHub makes a big deal out of but isn't really what DataHub is about. I'd argue that people don't really want pull requests -- "hey, i refined your data for you" is not a common action among users. But! The much more common use case that did fall out of discussions is "hey, i visualised your data for you". 
> This is the kind of feature CKAN could easily integrate: The ability to tag visualisations onto a dataset (er... a "Viz Pull Request? ..Maybe not) would indeed have some usefulness, and might be the kind of thing which encourages the development of a two-way community rather than a more lofty publishing platform. It would also give us an easy-win response when Pull Requests are bought up in discussions with prospective users.
> File this under "giving people what they need, not what they ask for". Is this something you guys have discussed? It came up so often that I thought it best to share with you all, anyway.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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