[ckan-dev] default beaviour of WMS viewer

Elena Camossi elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu
Tue Dec 17 16:09:38 UTC 2013

Hi Armin,


thanks a lot for your answer and your explanation (and the links for testing

Actually, we have verified that the harvester works, and yes,  there’s most
likely a problem with the metadata of the datasets. The harvested links to
the resources were somehow broken, so we were trying to correct some of them
by hand, once we found out how the GetCapabilities request is. 

This definetely works, and I can see the layers both in QGIS and in CKAN,
but from the CKAN frontend I cannot interactively select the layer to
visualize because i cannot see all the layer names and the boxes to check
for selecting them... that is, it’s actually a silly problem, most likely
the viewer assumes that you don’t have so many layers attached to a
getCapabilities (I understand this is not the most userfriendly way to
browse a GetCapability request!). 


So this is why I was wondering if there is a smarter way to put the request,
but from your answer i guess I would need a dataset/layer id. Actually, I
have a name, the getMap request generated from the GeoServer looks like this




I have tried of course to put this request in CKAN but it remains
undefinetely on Loading...

The id that I can see from both QGIs and GeoServer are numbers (76 and 77 in
this case), I guess local to this GeoServer instance.

There is another way in which I can compose the request, so it can be
processed by CKAN?


For completeness, I have tried in alternative to use the GeoJSON viewer
getting the GeoJSON request from GeoServer, but the layer is too big :(


Thanks a lot.














From: ckan-dev [mailto:ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Armin
Sent: martedì 17 dicembre 2013 15:51
To: CKAN Development Discussions
Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] default beaviour of WMS viewer


Hi Elena,

it may be a problem with the csw harvester. In geo-domain, a dataset
described with an ISO19139 XML record. If there is a corrsponding service
(wms/wfs ...) which provides the dataset, there have to be also a ISO19139
service metadata record. This can be interpreted as a resource in sense of
ckan. The resource link to a capabilities dokcument, that may have some
hundreds of different layers or featuretypes. And that is a conceptual
problem. You have to identify the specific layer/featuretype! INSPIRE
demands a dataset identifier at every layer to allow an easy connection. I
don't think, that this identfier is always set! Maybe there has to be done
some further developing to solve this problem on an reasonable way.

We have many examples which provide a consistent data-service coupling in
our catalogue, you may test them, to identify if your ckan harvester work

There are more than 11.000 datasets and 2400 should have a proper
data-service coupling!

Here ais one of the consitent example for protected sites:

ISO19139 dataset:

ISO19139 view service:
WMS&outputFormat=iso19139&Id=30825> &outputFormat=iso19139&Id=30825
ISO19139 download service:
=wfs&wfsid=216> &outputFormat=iso19139&generateFrom=wfs&wfsid=216

INSPIRE view service capabilities:

INSPIRE download service (ATOM Feed):

The information model of OGC/OWS is quiet complicated and we implement it
with some central proxy function ;-) .



Best regards



2013/12/17 Elena Camossi <elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu
<mailto:elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu> >

Hi Armin,


CKAN version is 2.1, and the source catalogue is harvested as CSW.







From: ckan-dev [mailto:ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org
<mailto:ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> ] On Behalf Of Armin Retterath
Sent: martedì 17 dicembre 2013 12:41

To: CKAN Development Discussions
Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] default beaviour of WMS viewer


Hi Elena,

what version of ckan do you use? The catalogue that you harvest, is it a
ckan instance or a csw source?




2013/12/17 Elena Camossi <elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu
<mailto:elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu> >

Hi Alex,

thanks for replying.

I'm not sure to understand correctly your answer, or most likely I didn't
put my question clear enough.
My institution harvests the datasets from another catalogue that publishes
these layers with GeoServer, but I don't have any authorization to
re-organize the layers server side. I'm just trying, client side, after
harvesting, to clean up the metadata in my catalogue to visualize the
I'm trying to use and customize a little bit the WMS view, for what is
possible to arrange from the CKAN front end (without developing any code),
and I was wondering if it's possible to pass the request from CKAN in a
different way, in order to point directly to a specific layer, or if there
is some customization that I don't know for the WMS viewer.

Thanks a lot,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ckan-dev [mailto:ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org
<mailto:ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> ] On Behalf Of Alex
> (Maxious) Sadleir
> Sent: martedì 17 dicembre 2013 11:12
> To: CKAN Development Discussions
> Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] default beaviour of WMS viewer
> In GeoServer you can put layers in separate workspaces and each workspace
> has it's own WMS link that only contains layers from that workspace.
> So one way to handle this is create a workspace for each dataset and a
> for each data file (if more than one) eg.
> http://data.gov.au/geoserver/geelong-roofprints-kml/wms accesses all
> (one) files from http://data.gov.au/dataset/geelong-roofprints-kml
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Elena Camossi
> <elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu
<mailto:elena.camossi at ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu> > wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I'm trying to visualize in CKAN a dataset that contains several layers
> > in OpenLayers created with GeoServer using the WMS viewer.
> > The layers have been harvested as different datasets, each one is
> > correctly uploaded as WMS in CKAN, but since they point to the same
> > GetCapabilities request, when I open any of them I see always the same
> > layer in the preview (the first the in the GetCapabilities).
> >
> > That would not be that bad, because in theory you can choose
> > interactively the layers to visualize and even overlay different
> > layers... Unfortunately the list of available layers is truncated to
> > the first 14 layers (but there are many others that I cannot see).
> >
> > I have tried putting the GetMap request (pointing to the specific
> > layer) instead of the GetCapabilities in the dataset URL, but the
> > viewer doesn't work, the page remains empty with a Loading... message
> > (I don't get any error in the log, and the Development Console of the
> > broswer says HTTP 200 OK).
> > Anyway, this would not be a good solution in the end because you lose
> > the overlay functionality...
> > As last chance, I manage to visualize the image of the layer modifying
> > its format as a PNG, or GIF, but in this way you loose completely any
> > geospatial functionality.
> >
> > Is there any way to change the default behaviour of the viewer,
> > showing a different layer instead of the first one listed in the
> > GetCapability? Or to configure differently the viewer to show the layer
> using the GetMap request?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > -Elena
> >
> >
> >
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