[ckan-dev] adding a feature: comment on data

Mark Wainwright mark.wainwright at okfn.org
Thu Nov 21 10:37:31 UTC 2013

Agreed about Disqus. But Mireille was asking about commenting on
specific data cells (presumably when the datastore is enabled). I can
see the use of this but it would surely be a custom feature rather
than integrating a standard comment system.

Mireille: were you offering to implement this feature and looking for
guidance? If so, great! The OKF's core dev team is unlikely to
implement such a thing unless a client comes along who wants to pay
for the development.


On 21/11/2013, Sander van der Waal <sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org> wrote:
> On 21 November 2013 07:39, Ralf <user66 at arcor.de> wrote:
>> Hi Mireille,
>> there is an extension available for integrating comments hosted by
>> Disqus,
>> see https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-disqus. It works pretty well.
>> However, I would appreciate if CKAN would have an built-in comments
>> systems that runs on the CKAN server and stores all the data in its own
>> database. Disqus comments are IMHO critical in terms of privacy and data
>> protection and are not really "Open Data" like. But as long as their is
>> no
>> alternative, we need to live with it.
> I fully agree that it would be good if CKAN could support other commenting
> systems which allow people to keep control over their data. I don't really
> like Disqus for the same reasons. But I think ideally we support the
> integration of a good existing commenting system rather than building one
> ourselves.
> Does anyone know of a good commenting system that allows people to keep the
> data on their own servers and doesn't force them to sign up with an
> external system?
> Sander
>> Cheers
>> Ralf
>> Zitat von Mireille Raad <mir.mir at gmail.com>:
>>  Hey,
>>> I was wondering if you would be interested in adding a feature to ckan
>>> that
>>> would allow users to comment on the data by clicking on a specific cell
>>> and
>>> adding up their comment.
>>> It might be useful for people who publish their data up for review and
>>> to
>>> open up the possibility to engage more with data.
>>> cheers :)
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