[ckan-dev] CKAN + Wordpress

Stefan Oderbolz stefan.oderbolz at liip.ch
Fri Jan 29 16:41:15 UTC 2016

I don't really know nginx, so unfortunately I can't verify your config. Is
there a specific reason why you want to use nginx?

We have the same requirement (run both WordPress and CKAN on the same
server), and we only use Apache with mod_rewrite and its proxy

This is our config:

# Redirect to CKAN server
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
^((de/|en/|it/|fr/)?(packages|organization|package|dataset|group|resource|related|revision|licenses|rating|ckan-admin|user|login_generic|util|harvest|activity|dashboard|api|search|storage|feeds|fanstatic|images|base)(.*))$$0 [P]

So we run WordPress on Port 80 and CKAN on Port 8080, and some routes are
then proxied to CKAN.
I remember that we also had problems with the login (because CKAN redirect
after the login). Make sure that the site_url is configured correctly.

Another thing you could try is to make nginx rewrite the headers to replace to the external address. With Apache you could do this like

Header edit Location ^http(\:\/\/*)$ http$1

Maybe this helps you to find the right solution for nginx.

- Stefan

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 7:39 AM, Shihoko Takahashi <shihoko_t at icloud.com>

> Hello,
> Firstly, apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I found an
> old Q&A that is related (
> https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-dev/2013-September/005868.html), so
> I am asking here rather than StackOverflow or Google group.
> I am trying to run CKAN and Wordpress on the same server, same domain, on
> port 80. Nginx is listening to port 80, and redirecting CKAN related
> requests (/dataset /user etc) to Apache port 8080, and rest to Wordpress at
> Apache port 8000. Most things are working fine, but some requests are
> getting internal error or server not found - things that don’t work include
> logging in/out with CKAN which seems to redirect itself.
> My nginx setting is —>
> location / {
>         proxy_pass;
>         include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
>     }
>     location ~*
> ^/((activity|api|base|ckan-admin|dataset|dashboard|fanstatic|feeds|group|harvest|images|licenses|login_generic|organization|package|packages|resource|related|rating|search|storage|user)(.*))$
> {
>         proxy_pass$1$is_args$args;
>         include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
>     }
> Is it possible to redirect using Nginx like this? If there is there a
> better/proper way to do this, can anyone give me any advise please? Thank
> you in advance.
> Regards,
> Shihoko
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