[ckan-discuss] Suggestion: better visibility of Ontologies

Christophe Guéret cgueret at few.vu.nl
Fri Mar 12 16:35:29 GMT 2010

Hi Jonathan,

> What do you think about the possibility of having a dedicated
> 'ontologies' group?
>    http://ckan.net/group/
> Would this make sense?
What I had in mind was more of a layout thing : on the CKAN homepage 
create two columns, one referencing the latest packages and one for the 
latests update on ontologies. This would have been associated with a 
distinctions between Packages and Ontologies in the menu bar (or some 
other keywords). But the idea of a group is fine. This gives a bit more 
visibility that just tags I guess.

> And might you be interested in helping to establish this?
Done ! I've created a group and added all the packages tagged with 
I'm not quite sure on what to do with these tags now. Shall we keep as a 
guidline that every ontology must be tagged as such and added to the group ?
Or shall the group replace the usage of the tag ?

> Can you think of anyone else to invite who might be
> able to help maintain it? I'd love to help but - I'm afraid its not
> really my area. ;-)
I don't have anyone in mind so any volunteer is very welcome ! :-)


Dr. Christophe Guéret (cgueret at few.vu.nl)
Postdoc working on SOKS (http://www.few.vu.nl/soks)
Knowledge Representation&  Reasoning Group
Computational Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science, AI
VU University Amsterdam

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