[ckan-discuss] Topic list (vocabulary/valuelist) for classifying datasets .

p.romain at cg33.fr p.romain at cg33.fr
Wed Jun 13 10:34:32 BST 2012

Hi Edo,

We are working on the same issue so does the team currently building the 
future opendata portal for the EU commission (see 
and https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-ecportal for code and info)
For the moment we implement de french national thesaurus available in a 
skos version but we are thinking of using the INSPIRE GEMET vocabulary as 
a complement for building a cross-domain topic list
See http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/gemet-groups.rdf?langcode=nl or 

Pascal Romain
Chef de projet informatique documentaire
Service Projets Etudes Conseils
Direction des Systèmes d'Information
05 56 99 33 33 poste 6643

De :    "Plantinga, Edo" <Edo.Plantinga at koop.wmrijk.nl>
A :     <ckan-discuss at lists.okfn.org>
Cc :    "Overbeek, Hans" <Hans.Overbeek at koop.wmrijk.nl>
Date :  13/06/2012 11:22
Objet : [ckan-discuss] Topic list (vocabulary/valuelist) for classifying 
datasets .
Envoyé par :    ckan-discuss-bounces at lists.okfn.org

Hi all,
We're currently looking into a suitable topic list (i.e. 
vocabulary/valuelist) for the Dutch open data portal (data.overheid.nl). 
The main idea is to make the datasets easier to find when searching on the 
site. When comparing the topics used by http://data.gov.uk/, 
http://www.data.gov/ and http://publicdata.eu/, one can see the 
differences in how datasets are categorized are quite big. Apparently 
there is no Obvious Best Way to do this. To me, therefore, it would make 
sense to find a topic list that is not just suitable for the open data 
domain, but also for other domains. That way it becomes easier to also 
show datasets on other websites than just open data portals.
We are considering using the (highest level) domains of EUROVOC as such a 
topic list (see http://eurovoc.europa.eu/drupal/?q=navigation&cl=en). It 
seems to be widely used within the EU. The list is not perfect for the 
open data domain, but I guess no reasonably short list ever will be. I 
noticed that some of these topics seem to correspond with the topics on 
Is anyone working on this at the moment? Does anyone know how 
publicdata.eu arrived at the current topic list? Is an international best 
practice emerging? Any other thoughts on this?
Best regards,
Edo Plantinga
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