[ckan-discuss] "Permanence" of the data: how can CKAN help me ?

Adrià Mercader amercadero at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 15:57:55 GMT 2013

On 22 January 2013 13:38, Mark Wainwright <mark.wainwright at okfn.org> wrote:
> Sean's answers assume, of course, that the metadata has changed as
> well as the data. If CKAN has a resource which links to a data file
> somewhere else, and the data file changes, it will never know.
The archiver extension [1] can be configured to periodically download
all resource files and check if they have changed. If so, the resource
(and dataset) metadata will be updated to show it.

> However, if you're aiming for data permanence as quoted, presumably
> this would never happen: rather a new file of data would be released.
> A natural way to handle this in CKAN would be to add an extra resource
> to the dataset for each new release of data (e.g. each year's data),
> which will show up as an update for anyone who is 'following' the
> dataset.
> The dataset description and resource descriptions can be used to give
> details of the structure of the data and indicate if it's changed.
Sounds reasonable.


[1] https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-archiver

> On 22/01/2013, Sean Hammond <sean.hammond at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Let say you have a data provider that update its data every month:
>>> - what is the best way in CKAN to keep track of the old versions of the
>>> data ?
>>> - how can I define in CKAN different versions of the same dataset ?
>> CKAN keeps track of dataset "revisions", you click on the "History" tab
>> on a dataset's page to see it, here's an example (CKAN 1.8):
>> http://datahub.io/dataset/history/1855spanishrailways
>> In CKAN 2.0 datasets (and groups) have an "activity stream" tab instead
>> of the history tab, examples:
>> http://publicdata.eu/dataset/activity/-municipal-waste-generation-in-england-from-2000-01-to-2009-10
>> http://publicdata.eu/group/activity/agriculture
>>> - how can I inform the consumer that there is a new version of the
>>> data, that the data structure or interface has changed ? Does CKAN
>>> provide here some standard processes ?
>> Logged-in users can click on the "follow" button on a dataset's page to
>> follow that dataset. In CKAN 2.0 you can also follow groups. Then when
>> you login to CKAN, you get an "activity stream" on your dashboard
>> showing activities from everything you're following. In CKAN 2.0, users
>> can also turn on email notifications and get an email when they have new
>> activities on their dashboard.
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