[ckan-discuss] Empty DCAT fields

Jan Vansteenlandt jan at okfn.be
Mon Oct 7 14:21:35 BST 2013

Hi guys,

I recently started trying out the DCAT feed from my CKAN instance, this
returns n3 nicely:

{ h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'],
a dcat:Dataset;
     dct:description "${c.pkg_dict['notes']}";
     dct:identifier "${c.pkg_dict['name']}";
     dct:relation  [
         rdf:value "";
         :label "change_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "definition_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "editorial_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "example_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "history_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "scope_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "skos_note" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "temporal_granularity" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "type_of_dataset" ],
         rdf:value "";
         :label "update_frequency" ];
     dct:title "${c.pkg_dict['title']}";
     :label "${c.pkg_dict['name']}";
     = <urn:uuid:${c.pkg_dict['id']}>;

However these fields are not filled in like dc:title, so my question is how
do you fill them out or put data into them? I tried fillign out the
key-value pairs with title and dc(t):title, but nothing triggered a change.

Best regards,

Jan Vansteenlandt
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