[ckan-discuss] Investigation of CKAN and data set persistent identifiers on the interent

Hendrik Bunke bunke.hendrik at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 17:06:12 BST 2013

--On 2013-10-14 14:28, Mark Wainwright wrote:

> It shouldn't be too difficult to do, and the recent post from the
> EDaWaX project <http://ckan.org/edawax> hints that they are working on
> it as part of their extension. You might want to get in touch with
> them. Alternatively, the Open Knowledge Foundation would be happy to
> hear from anyone who wanted to fund the development of a stand-alone
> DOI extension :-)


(I'm working for the mentioned EDaWaX project and also the one
responsible for the blog post). It's true that we are working on
automatic integration of DOIs. From a technical point of view the
integration is no problem, as long you have a DOI registration
service that offers an API for that, like e.g. Crossref does.
Basically, you just have to sent the relevant metadata in a
suitable schema based format (like XML). In our case the service
provider will be German based da|ra
(http://www.da-ra.de/en/home/). Our extension is aimed to be
usable for any CKAN project, that wants to implement da|ra
metadata schema and get a DOI.

We are not finished with this extension, but will try to keep
anyone interested informed. Just drop me an email.


Dr. Hendrik Bunke

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