[ddj] Job Opening at Climate Central in NJ/NYC

Andrew Freedman afreedma at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 15:37:56 UTC 2013

Hi all,

My organization, Climate Central, has an opening for a data analyst/data
journalist (job ad is listed here:

The job ad was written mainly to appeal to statistician and scientist types
who want to create solid communications products focused on climate
science. However, our leadership is very much open to hiring qualified data
journalists who know how to find and scrape a wide variety of datasets, and
help turn data into compelling stories and interactive products.

Please contact me at afreedman at climatecentral.org if interested or if you
have any questions. The job would be located in Princeton, NJ or in our New
York City office, or some combination of the two.

Description of Climate Central:

Climate Central is a growing, non-profit organization with an
entrepreneurial atmosphere. We are an independent organization of leading
scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts about our
changing climate and its impact on the American public. Climate Central is
not an advocacy organization and does not lobby or support any specific
legislation, policy or bill.

In the past year our web traffic has grown tenfold, our research has landed
on the front page of the New York Times, and our reporting has explored new
avenues in climate change research and policy making.


Andrew Freedman
Senior Science Writer: Climate Central <http://www.climatecentral.org>

Climate Science Writer: The Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang

Follow me on Twitter: @afreedma

Check out my Muckrack profile: http://muckrack.com/afreedma

Pressfolios Portfolio: http://andrewfreedman.pressfolios.com/
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