[ddj] Data on Brasil

Hertrampf.S at zdf.de Hertrampf.S at zdf.de
Tue May 13 08:23:34 UTC 2014

Dear Folks,

this is the first time I am writing to members of this list and I hope I'm doing everything right ;-)

I am working for the research department of German public TV ZDF and I am currently researching all kinds of data on Brazil, starting with things like household incomes, energy consumption then proceeding to more detailed stuff like data on crime, distribution of inhabitants per square km in the favelas of Rio, number of start-up companies in Brasil, just to give you a few examples, it is lots and lots more.

To get started, I'd be grateful if you could provide me with hints on resources where I could find that kind of data.

Please respond to hertrampf.s at zdf.de<mailto:hertrampf.s at zdf.de> .

Thx a lot

Dr. Stefan Hertrampf
Informations- und Bildservice
55100 Mainz

Telefon: +49 6131 70-12952<tel:%2B49%206131%2070-12952>
Telefax: +49 6131 70-16870<tel:%2B49%206131%2070-16870>
E-Mail: Hertrampf.S at zdf.de<mailto:Hertrampf.S at zdf.de>
Web: zdf.de<http://zdf.de>

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