[ddj] Belgian musictech startup fandation - via Daniel Vidovsky

Núria Masdéu nuria77 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 06:40:04 UTC 2016

Dear Daniel,

Just in case it's interesting for your work, I would like to present
Atracktion, developed at Barcelona Supercomputing Center by the
Visualization Team:

Description: What music do people listen to? How does their taste change
with time? Where do new music styles come from? A.Track.Tion is a data
visualization aimed at shedding light on these deep and interesting

All the best,


Núria Masdéu
665 08 37 56

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Daniel Vidovsky <daniel.vidovsky at gmail.com>

> Hi peeps
> I'm building a *musictech startup fandation.co/about
> <http://j.mp/aboutfandation> * (mission & vision).
> *THE PROBLEM*Billions of dollars went into music business disruption over
> the past 20 years, very little of which went to musicians and instead
> eroded their livelihood. While royalties in general will improve, *it has
> been more difficult than ever for musicians to monetize their music*.
> There is nothing more abundant online than free music (except cat videos).
> Fans know how to engage with artists — they know how to find artist
> websites, their social presences, they know how to find other fans. They
> know how to sign up to your email list. But *do artists actually know how
> to engage with their fans* (by means of exception : Lady Gaga & ‘Little
> Monsters’ fan website)?
> *Music is not a product, music is a service facilitating storytelling.*
> True storytelling is facilitating reputation and fan relationships, what in
> return facilitates recurrent financial support for a creator.
> I'm convinced the business value for a 21th century musician is not just
> his music anymore but the true digital story of this / your idol as an
> experience. I call it *the creator DNA : his lifelog, opinions, moods,
> accumulated talents, inspirations, etc.*
> I'm inspired by *three trends*
>    1. the *Quantified Self *movement
>    2. *Data Visualization *(cf. Data Journalism)
>    3. simplicity of and willingness to share *Infographics* (cf. 'Study:
>    Millennials spent more time on text and video, but gave more praise for
>    photos, infographics' http://j.mp/2bSjJ1G, 'Why Content Goes Viral:
>    What Analyzing 100 Million Articles Taught Us' http://j.mp/2bONPQE).
> *We accelerate independent / DIY musicians’ careers* via a direct-to-fan
> (top 10%-30% of fans) interactive interface vibewall® for *data-driven
> visual storytelling, reward-based fan engagement and subscription-based
> fanfunding*.
> I'm a Belgian (living in Antwerp) digital sales & marketing guy with a
> vision to improve the DIY musician's career. I'm *looking for a data geek* *to
> help me ethically scrape musician related DBs and for data mining for a
> dataviz storytelling prototype / MVP*, e.g. polygraph.cool/miles/
> I would like to start with mapping of singles / EP / albums / remixes and
> their relations / popularity index, and of lyrics e.g. what word(s) is
> (are) commonly used.
> I've already compiled a list of the most relevant DBs and scraping tools.
> More ideas are welcome.
> Do you believe in my mission & vision? Do you believe in a better world
> for DIY artists? Are you into dataviz storytelling? Then* I would like to
> welcome you via daniel.vidovsky(at)gmail.com <daniel.vidovsky at gmail.com>*
> *Sharing is caring. *Thank you.
> Best regards
> Daniel
> fandation® - fans, facts, fun, funds
> @danvidsky - #fantivist #BeMusicTech
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