[ddj] Research Challenge: The "Trump effect" in Europe

kalev leetaru kalev.leetaru5 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 19:51:39 UTC 2017

And for those interested in how the media has covered Trump around the
world, covering 65 languages, see my piece from the end of 2015:


All data freely available, though given its size, scale and complexity, let
me know if you have questions:



On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Niklas Anzinger <
niklas.anzinger at daliaresearch.com> wrote:

> Dear fellow Data Lovers,
> Closely before the inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th president of the
> US, we have finalized our dataset about voter profiles, political and moral
> attitudes and populism in Europe and the US.
> As part of our expanded quarterly "EuroPulse
> <https://daliaresearch.com/europulse/>" omnibus survey, we had n=11.283
> respondents across all 28 EU member countries and n=1.052 respondents from
> the US.
> The dataset is has already been distributed to esteemed researchers (e.g.
> MIT, Harvard, Princeton) and data journalists worldwide.
> If you want to jump on the train contact me to receive the data:
> niklas.anzinger at daliaresearch.com
> Looking forward to see exciting results!
> Niklas
> --
> *Niklas Anzinger*
> Project Manager
> Telephone: +49 30 695 995 90
> Email: niklas.anzinger at daliaresearch.com
> <marta.kusnierska at daliaresearch.com>
> *Dalia Research GmbH*
> Skalitzer Str. 100, 10997 Berlin, Germany
> Web <https://www.daliaresearch.com/> *I* Linkedin
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/dalia-research> *I* Twitter
> <https://twitter.com/daliaresearch>
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