update OKF si Mozilla Foundation - hackathon

stefan candea stefancandea la yahoo.de
Joi Apr 19 11:44:03 UTC 2012

salve, am reusit in sfarsit sa am o discutie cu OKF si Mozilla Foundation. sunt foarte interesati sa sprijine orice grup cu initiative pe open data, open software si mai ales pe ideea de hackathon intre jurnalisti si programatori (si poate designeri si activisti?). 

mai jos notele de discutie cu Kat de la OKF (kat.braybrooke la okfn.org), la care a participat si Liliana de la EJC (bounegru la ejc.net). astept un raspun mai detaliat de la Mozilla, dar Ben Moskowitz cu care m-am intalnit (ben la mozillafoundation.org - http://www.benmoskowitz.com/?page_id=106) mi-a spus ca ne poate sprijini cel putin cu know-how de organizare hackathon, au o echipa dedicata si poate cu un mic grant. 

noi la CRJI putem sa voluntariem un om dedicat pe coordonarea eveniment (project manager) si ziaristii interesati sa participe in chestia asta. si poate niste fotojurnalisti. si avem deja o lista de idei pe care am putea lucra (interesante din punctul nostru de vedere)

biroul google de aici e interesat de un sprijin pe tema asta, trebuie sa ne hotaram noi daca cerem ceva si ce cerem. ar mai fi de rezolvat un spatiu mare. stiu ca am putea rezolva problema cu wifi pe timpul evenimentului de la orange sau vodafone. 

cam atat, mai jos discutia cu Kat, notele ei. asta e ce a inteles ea, daca sunt chestii de corectat sa le corectam din mers si sa vedem care-s urmatorii pasi. mai ales care ar fi o data realista pt un hackathon. 

##### Main Points:

 Stefan interested in doing hackathon or other event with Mozilla and 
OKFN re teaching 
locals about open data and bring international audiences to Eastern 
Europe. Has already started an informal group in  
community of programmers interested in these things. Wants to bring  
hacks/hackers together in a non-artificial way. Has seen lots of  
Americans coming into area in artifical way, preaching about things 
without really trying to help. 
 Liliana wants to do something related to data-driven journalism in the 
region but doesn't have funding yet - is waiting on a big grant that may
 make this possible. In meantime, will devote some of her staff time to help with this as 

##### Next Actions:

 Liliana to help do event / local conference around data driven 
journalism in area - will try to see if can get travel budget for data 
journalism expert as well. 

- Stefan to see what others want to do in Bucharest, and to update Kat/Liliana once has this information.

 Kat to introduce Stefan to other heads of OKFN:LOCAL communities 
(especially in Finland, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Serbia) re: potential 
collaborations and ideas about running local events.

##### Useful Links:
http://okfn.org/chapters/ (examples of what other OKFN:LOCAL groups and chapters are up to, and of the tools you can use in our network)
http://okfn.org/wg/ (examples of projects to get involved with as a local group)
meetup.com/openknowledgefoundation (our events interface)http://okfestival.org (our conference in Helsinki this September)
 (example of London-based, smaller meetup with 60-70 participants which 
could be starting point in Romania re: community-building)

##### Stefan's questions:
 Do you want it to be just OKF branded or a collaboration amongst many 
organisations/individuals? - Inclusive, amongst many organisations - see
 the OKF as an 'umbrella' that can bring many different people/groups 

 Why OKF instead of another brand/org? - We can provide online tools 
(mailing list, website, etc) and also networks/communities in a global 
scale. Our job is to promote communities and empower, not evangelise.

 How is your staff related to data driven journalism? - We have staff 
focused on this and on DDJ events/initiatives (Lucy and Friedrich to 
name a few), but as an organisation focus on open knowledge/open data in
 the wider spectrum.

- Can you send people over for an event? - Yes, depending on projects/availability we sometimes have funding for this.

 What are your experiences organising other conferences and do you also 
organise smaller events than OKCon/OGDCamp? - Yes; many - meetups, hackathons, 
etc. See above for some links to examples of this.

| Kat Braybrooke | Community Coordinator
| Global Chapters and OKFestival
| Open Knowledge Foundation | London

| OKFN.org | Twitter @kat_braybrooke 

Stefan Candea, tel: +4 0740 309 073, Bucuresti - Romania - crji.org Centrul Roman pentru Jurnalism de Investigatie - Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism

Member of: International Consortium for Investigative Journalism 
Nieman Fellow 2011 @ Harvard University: http://nieman.harvard.edu
Blog: http://theblacksea.eu
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