Fwd: Integritate project

Silviu Vert silviu.vert la gmail.com
Vin Mar 14 11:33:33 UTC 2014


Mai jos gasiti o oferta pentru un proiect de cercetare (care implica multa
dezvoltare de cod) in domeniul anticoruptiei in Romania si cu potential in
domeniul datelor deschise.

Daca credeti ca exista (si) alte grupuri de discutii potrivite pentru acest
anunt, va rog sa-l trimiteti mai departe.

Numai bine,

Silviu Vert
PhD student
Politehnica University of Timisoara

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: François Briatte <briatte la gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Integritate project
To: Silviu Vert <silviu.vert la gmail.com>


Here's the offer. Le met know what you think, don't hesitate to send
it around, and if you know R, check github.com/briatte/integritate for
the data :)


We are building a small-scale research project that requires speaking
either English or French, and a little bit of Romanian. The research
involves coding a large quantity of original data on the Romanian
civil service, including affiliations to organizations like parties
and trade unions.

We are looking forward to organizing a data team over a few months
period, which should be enough to get started with the coding and
preliminary analysis of a few ministerial institutions. To that end,
we are looking for people interested in any of the following topics:

Public Administration; Post-Soviet Bureaucracy; Corruption and Public
Accountability; Romanian Politics; Social Networks and Quantitative

This research is relevant to organizations with anti-corruption
agendas, such as the European Commission, the Open Society Initiative
and Transparency International. It is conducted independently.

Please email vlad.gross la sciences-po.org and f.briatte la ed.ac.uk if you
are interested in the offer.

Best wishes,


On 13 March 2014 16:43, Silviu Vert <silviu.vert la gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Francois,
> Sorry for the delay in answering your question on twitter. I just moved to
> Palermo for 3 months to work on my PhD thesis. There are some people
> interested in hacking Romanian open data. Can you give me some more
> information on the project, so I can forward them your ideas?
> Thanks,
> Silviu

Think of the distressing contrast between the radiant intelligence of
the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult. -- Sigmund
Freud, The Future of an Illusion (1927)
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