Fwd: [okfn-discuss] applications open for Institute for Open Leadership

Silviu Vert silviu.vert la gmail.com
Vin Mai 23 21:25:09 UTC 2014


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura James <laura.james la okfn.org>
Date: Fri, May 23, 2014 at 10:54 PM
Subject: [okfn-discuss] applications open for Institute for Open Leadership
To: Open Knowledge Foundation discussion list <okfn-discuss la lists.okfn.org>

The Institute for Open Leadership is now taking applications - may be of
interest!  From the

*The Institute for Open Leadership is a training program to develop new
leaders in education, science, public policy, and other fields on the
values and implementation of openness in licensing, policies, and
practices. The Institute is looking for passionate public- and
private-sector professionals interested in learning more about openness and
wish to develop and implement an open policy in their field.*

*Interested applicants should review the application information
<http://openpolicynetwork.org/iol/#apply> and submit an application by June
30, 2014. ... Applications are open to individuals anywhere in the world.*

*A central part of the Institute will require fellows to develop and
implement a capstone open policy project. The point of this project is for
the fellow to transform the concepts learned at the Institute into a
practical, actionable, and sustainable initiative within her/his
institution. Open policy projects can take a variety of forms depending on
the interests of the fellow and the field where the project will be
Best regards,


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