Fwd: [School-of-data] Become a School of Data Fellow! Apply now
Silviu Vert
silviu.vert la gmail.com
Sâm Mai 24 20:53:50 UTC 2014
Romania este una din tarile direct vizate, datorita sprijinului oferit aici
de Fundatia pentru o societate deschisa.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Milena Marin <milena.marin la okfn.org>
Date: Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:01 AM
Subject: [School-of-data] Become a School of Data Fellow! Apply now
To: data-driven-journalism la lists.okfn.org, "Mailing list for the School of
Data, a joint initiative of the OKFN and P2PU" <
school-of-data la lists.okfn.org>
Got data skills to share? Member of a community that wants to turn data
into information? Know about a data journalism or civic activism project or
organisation which need a push for using data more effectively? The School
of Data needs you! We are currently broadening our efforts to spread data
skills around the world, and people like you are crucial in this effort:
new learners need guidance and people to help them along the way. Stand out
and become a **School of Data Fellow**.
We just launched a Fellowship programme aiming to recruit and train the
next generation of data leaders and trainers to magnify the reach of our
data literacy programme.
We are looking for people fitting the following profile:
- Data savvy: has experience working with data and a passion for
teaching data skills.
- Understands the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and
media in bringing positive change through advocacy, campaigns, and
storytelling. Fellows are passionate about enabling partners to use data
effectively through training and ongoing support.
- Interested or experienced in working with journalism and/or civil
- Has some facilitation skills and enjoys community-building (both
online and offline).
- Eager to learn from and be connected with an international community
of data enthusiasts
As a School of Data fellow, you will receive data and leadership training,
as well as coaching to organise events and build your community. You will
also be part of a growing global network of School of Data practitioners,
benefiting from the network effects of sharing resources and knowledge and
contributing to our understanding about how best to localise our training
You will be part of a six-month training programme where we expect you to
work with us for an average of five days a month, including attending
online and offline trainings, organising events, and being an active member
of the School of Data community.
There are up to 10 fellowship positions open for the July to December 2014
School of Data training programme.
We have current collaborations and resourcing confirmed to support fellows
from the following countries: Romania, Hungary, South Africa, Indonesia,
and Tanzania. We are also able to consider applicants for the remaining 5
places in this round from countries meeting these criteria:
- The country falls under lower income, lower-middle income or
upper-middle income categories as classified
- There is demand from civil society organisations and/or journalists
who wish to benefit from such a scheme.
- There are some interesting datasets available in the country which
would be worth exploring further. These could either be data published by a
government or organisation or data collected by an organisation for their
own internal use. Digitised or non-digitised—anything goes! We’re keen for
a variety of challenges and want the fellows’ help to adapt teaching
techniques to a variety of situations.
Our goal is to have global fellows from a wide mix of these countries.
Don’t see your country listed? Keep reading to learn how you can get
Got questions? See more about the Fellowship Programme here and have a
looks at this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
<http://schoolofdata.org/fellowship-faq/>page. If this doesn’t answer your
question, email us on schoolofdata la okfn.org
Not sure if you fit the profile? Have a look at who is a fellow
Convinced? Apply
become a School of data fellow. The application will be open until the
1st of June 2014 and the programme will start in July 2014.
Not for you? Please share with your friends!
Milena Marin
School of Data Programme Manager | email: milena.marin la okfn.org | skype:
milena_iul | @milena_iul <https://twitter.com/milena_iul>
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