Noua platforma [Open] Data a CE
Andrei Nicoara
andrei.nicoara la
Mar Oct 21 11:38:02 UTC 2014
Aveti atasat si sper sa va fie de interes caietul de sarcini pentru
viitoarea infrastructura open data a CE. Nu va grabiti sa ofertati, este in
faza de selectie castigator :).
Are si Romania o contributie, respectiv cerinta ca motorul de cautare sa
fie integrabil si in site-urile nationale.
Alte chestii interesante la care nu am nici o contributie:
*As a result of the actions undertaken under this heading: *
*• the percentage of metadata records in the metadata repository of the
portal infrastructure complying with the definition of '3 stars' under the
'5-star' classification scheme used to assess the openness of data25 will
grow annually by at least 20% with respect to data formats (exceptions
possible with respect to charging for reuse; baseline: content of ODIP
repository referred to under in January 2015) *
Adica daca nu creste numarul de dataseturi publicate nu-si ia banii
contractorul ? Pai daca merge asa, facem si noi un portal romanesc, punem o
clauza asemanatoare si daca castiga o firma care a implementat multe
proiecte guvernamentale ne-am rezolvat problema ! :) Sau se apuca ei sa
faca din rahat bici adica sa converteasca fisiere ?
Alta clauza in acelasi stil ....:
*As a result of the Communication activities, the portal is expected to
receive a minimum of 30,000 unique visitors per month at month 24 and
50,000 unique visitors per month at month 33. *
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