Portalul declaratii.integrate.eu
Andra Bucur
andra.bucur la fundatia.ro
Vin Sep 12 17:58:57 UTC 2014
SAR lucreaza in prezent la o serie de baze de date. Printre acestea se
numara si o baza de date ce va contine toate achizitiile publice pezente
in SEAP intre 2007-2014.
Unul dintre IT-istii cu care colaboreaza, Marko Klasnja, va fi in
Bucuresti intre 22 -25 septembrie si are o propunere pentru cei care au
participat la hackathonul din februarie sau pentru alti interesati de
munca cu datele deschise. Detalii mai jos. Intereseaza pe cineva?
> I was wondering if you know any of the Hackaton guys that worked on
> the data from data.gov.ro. (http://datedeschise.ro/) I am hoping to
> digitize the entire declaratii.integratate.eu portal to examine the
> wealth accumulation among politicians. This is easier said than done,
> as most documents are scanned and hand-written, so data extraction is
> non-trivial. But I think there are ways to do this automatically, and
> perhaps someone from Hackaton would be interested. It would be great
> if you can put me in touch with them in case you know any of them.
Seara faina,
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