Fwd: [ogp] Invitation for research proposals on the Open Government Partnership

Silviu Vert silviu.vert la gmail.com
Lun Iul 20 16:47:07 UTC 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shreya Basu <shreya.basu la opengovpartnership.org>
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 7:29 PM
Subject: [ogp] Invitation for research proposals on the Open Government
To: OGP Civil Society group <ogp la dgroups.org>

Dear Colleagues,

The Open Government Partnership Support Unit is pleased to invite research
proposals on the commitments made by participating countries in their National
Action Plans. <http://www.opengovpartnership.org/how-it-works/action-plans>

A total of six grants of EUR 2500 each will be awarded and the lead authors
of the three best papers will be invited to present their work at the 2015
OGP Global Summit in Mexico. <http:///> This research is supported by a
grant of the International Development Research Centre
<http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx> (IDRC) Canada.

*Areas of research*

With 65 participating countries and over 2000 commitments made in the OGP
National Action Plans (NAPs), there is a wealth of information that needs
to be further analyzed to understand trends across countries or themes and
identify opportunities to deepen and inform the work of OGP and its
participating countries.

All ideas are welcome as long as the proposed topic has the potential to
inform the work of the Open Government Partnership and the findings can be
used for further research, action or advocacy. This is an opportunity for
researchers to explore projects on OGP beyond areas that have been covered
previously by others.

Proposals are being requested in two broad categories:

(A) Research that makes use of existing OGP data, including the NAPs, IRM
<http://www.opengovpartnership.org/independent-reporting-mechanism> data
and the OGP Explorer <http://www.opengovpartnership.org/explorer/landing>
for cross-thematic or cross country analysis. Data visualizations are

(B) Preliminary research to help OGP understand its impact in participating
countries. Proposals that present a framework and concrete example of how
OGP can capture its contribution both at the country and at the initiative
levels are encouraged.

*Please see the attached RFP for suggested topics under each category,
grant details and information on the selection criteria, application
process and timelines.*

Note that the deadline for submitting proposals is *5pm GMT on or before
5th August 2015.* Any questions can be sent to
shreya.basu la opengovpartnership.org

Please help us spread the word by circulating this message to your
colleagues and networks for whom this may be of interest.  We’re looking
forward to getting inspiring and innovative ideas from the open government

Best wishes,


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A reply to this message will be sent *ONLY* to the sender; it will NOT be
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