Fwd: oportunitati de finantare pt proiecte de Open data
Bogdan Manolea
bogdan la legi-internet.ro
Joi Iul 7 07:45:44 UTC 2016
FYI, Ioana a aflat de un call interesant...
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: oportunitati de finantare pt proiecte de Open data
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:17:40 +0300
From: Ioana Avadani <ioana la cji.ro>
Buna ziua,
Poate cunoasteti interesati:
*ODINE call announcement____*
Europe is supporting the next generation of digital businesses. The Open
Data Incubator for Europe (ODINE) is part of that support – enabling
European citizens to build sustainable businesses using open data. The
following ODINE call targets Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
building a business around open data. The funding is intended for single
entities, rather than consortia of multiple entities. Applications must
have a clear focus on open data innovation. Funds can be used in
accordance to the Horizon 2020 financial guidelines. They can be spent
on salaries, equipment, consumables, travels, subcontracting to other
parties (e.g., for marketing or legal support), and indirect expenditure
(office space, office infrastructure etc., which are calculated as 25%
of the total direct costs). The applicant must be registered with the
European Commission as an SME at the time of submission. Applications
are made online and will consist of a short proposal presenting the idea
and the budget required for its realization, as well as administrative
__ __
__ __https://opendataincubator.eu/apply/
Executive Director
Center for Independent Journalism
Bdul. Regina Elisabeta, no.32
Bucharest, Romania
Skype: iavadani
www.cji.ro <http://www.cji.ro>
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